Anna Lindh Foundation

  • Learning indeed – a step beyond!

    Learning indeed is a one-year project with a  goal to contribute to development of intercultural dialogue among marginalized youth in Euro-Med region by educating 20 youth about others and "different", introducing them to stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and xenophobia and ways to fight these negative trends.

  • Learning indeed – a step beyond!

    "Learning indeed" je jednogodišnji projekat koji ima za cilj da doprinese razvoju interkulturalnog dijaloga među marginalizovanim mladima iz Evropsko-mediteranske regije obrazujući dvadeset mladih o drugima i 'drugačijim', upoznavajući ih sa stereotipima, predrasudama, diskriminaciji i ksenofobiji  te načinima kako se boriti sa ovim negativnim trendovima.

  • Partners meeting – Istanbul, Tukey, 28.-30.11.2016.

    Partners meeting – Istanbul, Tukey, 28.-30.11.2016.

    A kick-off meeting of partner organizations, Youth club “Under the same sun” and Dynamic Development Association, was held in Istanbul, Turkey between 28th and 30th of November 2016.